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Caitlin Long's Custodia Bank Unveils Bitcoin Custody Platform

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Custodia Bank, a cryptocurrency-friendly institution founded by Caitlin Long, has introduced its Bitcoin custody platform. This platform is designed to cater to a range of businesses, including fiduciaries, investment advisers, fund managers, and corporate treasurers. Custodia Bank has received approval from the Wyoming Division of Banking to launch this service, signaling its commitment to providing secure and compliant Bitcoin custody solutions. The platform offers segregated custody accounts for Bitcoin, combining them with U.S. dollar services, making it more convenient for businesses and reducing associated risks.


Despite facing regulatory challenges earlier in the year, including the rejection of its application to join the Federal Reserve System, Custodia Bank has persisted in its mission to bridge the gap between digital assets and the U.S. dollar payments system. This development aligns with the institution's goal to serve as a trusted digital asset custodian while adhering to evolving regulatory frameworks.

