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Ethereum's Whales and Buterin Shift $31 Million in ETH

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High-profile Ethereum transactions are making waves in the market, with a long-dormant Ethereum ICO wallet linked to core developer Danno Ferrin becoming active after over eight years of inactivity. This wallet transferred 192.2 ETH (approximately $313.2k) to Coinbase, adding to a series of transactions from early Ethereum participants.


In addition to this, there were other significant transfers, including an ICO participant moving 6k ETH (valued at around $9.96 million) to Kraken and another whale transferring 10k ETH (approximately $16.5 million). Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin also made a transfer of 300 ETH (about $490k) to Kraken. In total, ICO participants and Buterin moved approximately $31 million worth of ETH in the past two days.


Despite these high-profile moves, the Ethereum market has not seen a significant reaction, with the current price trading at $1618.32 and a 1.49% drop in the last 24 hours. The impact on Ethereum's price remains uncertain.

