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Huobi Global Hacked Loses 7.9 Million

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On September 24, 2023, Huobi Global's HTX crypto exchange suffered a hack, resulting in a loss of $7.9 million in cryptocurrency. A Huobi hot wallet sent a message to the attacker, claiming to know their identity and offering to let them keep 5% of the stolen funds as a "white-hat bonus" if they returned the remaining 95%. The hack was reported by blockchain analytics platform Cyvers on September 25. Huobi Global investor Justin Sun confirmed the attack, stating that 5,000 ETH (approximately $8 million USD) had been lost but assured users that their funds were safe, and the exchange was operating normally. In 2023, crypto exchanges have experienced several hacks, with some attributed to the Lazarus Group, a North Korean-affiliated entity that has reportedly accumulated $40 million in Bitcoin from such attacks throughout the year.
