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The Court Rejects Sam Bankman-Fried's Request for Release

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There have been new developments in the case of Sam Bankman-Fried. After careful consideration of Bankman-Fried's appeal, the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals has decided to continue detaining him.


In a letter from the court clerk, it was emphasized that Bankman-Fried's reasons for seeking release were not persuasive. His past attempts to tamper with the testimony of two witnesses were a major reason for the court's refusal to release him.


Bankman-Fried was originally under house arrest at his parents' residence in Palo Alto, California, but his bail was revoked in October. The reason for the bail revocation was his alleged disclosure of information to the media and communication with witnesses, violating pre-trial release terms. On November 2nd, he was found guilty on seven charges, and sentencing is scheduled for March 28th.


