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Philippines Launches $179M Tokenized Bonds for Digital Finance Revolution

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The Philippines is set to make history by launching $179 million worth of tokenized treasury bonds, marking a significant move toward digital finance and blockchain adoption in government bonds. The Bureau of the Treasury announced the groundbreaking initiative, planning to offer approximately $179 million of one-year tokenized bonds, canceling the regular bills auction. The first-ever Tokenized Treasury Bonds (TTBs) will be issued on November 20, with a minimum denomination of P10 million and incremental values of P1 million. The bonds will be digitally issued and maintained in the Bureau of Treasury's Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Registry, introducing a new era in the country's financial landscape. This move aligns with the National Government's Government Securities Digitalization Roadmap, leveraging blockchain technology to enhance the debt market, reduce settlement risks, and democratize investments through digital channels. The TTBs will be issued by state-owned institutions, the Development Bank of the Philippines and the Land Bank of the Philippines, and signify a significant step toward broader adoption of digital assets in the Philippines' financial sector.

