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HTX Global Hacker Returns Stolen Funds in Full

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The hacker responsible for the breach at HTX Global, formerly known as Huobi, has returned all the stolen assets, totaling 4,999 Ether (ETH) valued at $8.2 million, according to blockchain analytics insights provider Lookonchain. The security breach occurred last Monday and resulted in the loss of this Ethereum sum. TRON founder and HTX advisor, Justin Sun, promptly assured the public that the losses had been covered, and the hack-related issues were resolved. He noted that the stolen funds represented only a small portion of HTX Global's total assets, which amount to $3 billion. Sun also offered a 5% Whitehat reward of $400,000 to the hacker for returning the stolen funds and the opportunity to become a security Whitehat advisor. The breach was initially detected by HTX's security team on September 24, 2023, at 6 p.m., though onchain security firm Cyvers Alerts had previously noticed suspicious transactions linked to the Mixin Network, which were ultimately traced back to HTX and the cryptocurrency exchange Binance.

